No matter the hour, the day, the plans... He is there.
You know how as a child you could always count on your parents? It didn't matter what I got into as a kid, my parents were there to bail me out. It didn't matter what I had done, they were there. THEY WERE THERE! In an instant to save me from hidden dangers. Like Superman, but without all the muscles and special powers!
I was talking with a girl from the Gates of Hope a few days ago. She doesn't belong here. She has no child. She was not being abused according to the paperwork. The reason we have her is because I am a sucker. She ran away from home. The mom she was living with (who is really grandma) could not deal with her so she called the police. IHNFA was involved and I was called. They have no home for her. If I don't accept her she will go to jail because there are no beds available in foster homes. I met with her and we spoke for a few hours and I committed to TRY and see what happened. I reminded the attorney she did not meet the requirements for our home so the first minor issue we have she will be kicked out. We signed the papers and life goes on.
A few days ago I saw her crying alone. I sat down beside her and began to pry hoping to resolve her issues. I soon found out how little I could really do for her. She is feeling alone. She is feeling abandoned. She is feeling worthless. In digging deeper and asking why she reveals some more history. She ran away from home because her grandmother was abusive. Her grandmother sent her mom to a "friend" when she was a teenager looking for work. They were desperate for money. That "friend" was working for a sex house. There is a home here locally that holds young girls against their will to sexually satisfy paying customers. Her mom escaped, but was already pregnant. She left the baby with her mom and fled to the states. Now the young girl in our care was this baby. The grandmother had introduced her to a "friend" for the same job her mom escaped from. Our girl ran away from home because she was scared and felt alone and didn't want history to repeat itself. She resents her mom for leaving her in the hands of someone that will force her to live in the dark shadows her mom left behind. She hates her grandmother for making her mom leave. She hates her aunts and uncles because nobody stepped in and offered help. She wants absolutely NOTHING to do with her biological family.

How easy is it for someone like me to trust in God? How easy is it for me to forget to trust in Him? How much easier would it be for someone like her to trust in no one?
I had a hero growing up. I have an example of fulfilled faith. She has nothing, but lies. Hurt. Failure.
It is so hard to teach someone to trust when they can trust NO ONE! It is so hard to show someone unconditional love and support when they believe their "dream" they are living may shatter
She needs a real life hero! Luckily, I know a Savior!
I was talking with a girl from the Gates of Hope a few days ago. She doesn't belong here. She has no child. She was not being abused according to the paperwork. The reason we have her is because I am a sucker. She ran away from home. The mom she was living with (who is really grandma) could not deal with her so she called the police. IHNFA was involved and I was called. They have no home for her. If I don't accept her she will go to jail because there are no beds available in foster homes. I met with her and we spoke for a few hours and I committed to TRY and see what happened. I reminded the attorney she did not meet the requirements for our home so the first minor issue we have she will be kicked out. We signed the papers and life goes on.
A few days ago I saw her crying alone. I sat down beside her and began to pry hoping to resolve her issues. I soon found out how little I could really do for her. She is feeling alone. She is feeling abandoned. She is feeling worthless. In digging deeper and asking why she reveals some more history. She ran away from home because her grandmother was abusive. Her grandmother sent her mom to a "friend" when she was a teenager looking for work. They were desperate for money. That "friend" was working for a sex house. There is a home here locally that holds young girls against their will to sexually satisfy paying customers. Her mom escaped, but was already pregnant. She left the baby with her mom and fled to the states. Now the young girl in our care was this baby. The grandmother had introduced her to a "friend" for the same job her mom escaped from. Our girl ran away from home because she was scared and felt alone and didn't want history to repeat itself. She resents her mom for leaving her in the hands of someone that will force her to live in the dark shadows her mom left behind. She hates her grandmother for making her mom leave. She hates her aunts and uncles because nobody stepped in and offered help. She wants absolutely NOTHING to do with her biological family.
How easy is it for someone like me to trust in God? How easy is it for me to forget to trust in Him? How much easier would it be for someone like her to trust in no one?
I had a hero growing up. I have an example of fulfilled faith. She has nothing, but lies. Hurt. Failure.
It is so hard to teach someone to trust when they can trust NO ONE! It is so hard to show someone unconditional love and support when they believe their "dream" they are living may shatter
She needs a real life hero! Luckily, I know a Savior!
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