It makes me wonder how often God does this with us. I am sure that every bad relationship, bad business move, pre-mature church plant, and way to soon move into a foreign country was prefaced by, you know it, "You're gonna get hurt!" Now, if God knew what was coming down the road, why didn't He stop us? Right? Not really. As many times as I forewarn I cannot prevent every fall, fail, and heartbreak that will be experienced. God may be able to prevent things in the same way a parent is able to intervene. We don't always stop bad things from happening though, do we? Part of the way a child grows and blossoms becoming an inteligent, independant critter we just want to lock away for a while is by letting them learn from their mistakes. If you go back to the Garden of Eden. Yep, WAY BACK into Genesis... It all started by us having free-will. We had one rule to follow, but it was our decision to make. It was not forced. We were warned! There were, and still are, consequences to that action just like there is to every action made every day.
We can go back to basic physics. Good Ol' Newton... To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction. No matter what we do in life we will get a reaction. There is no "get out of jail free" card. Sorry. I find it interesting how I talk with people that have some random encounter with God and "got radically saved". If you truly have had one of those encounters, don't let me take your joy. It can be a great thing. If it is what you want! What you truly want!!! However, I find that many people are just reaching out in the midst of their crisis. A guy just got caught with 5 kilos of cocaine. He decides to "surrender" to God out of the fear that is gripping him. Oh God can, and will, take your life and drastically change it. Just don't expect Him to take away that verdict of a jail sentence that was just announced. He isn't some genie in a bottle for you to rub when you need Him. He is there for you to call on. He will love you. He will walk with you every day as you return to your jail cell. He can even be an escape, but He isn't your "prison break". Do you remember that still and small voice that was tugging at the back of your heart? The one that said, "You're gonna get hurt!"
We all have it every day. Just like a parent. God cares. He loves. His heart aches as you ignore His voice. A tears rolls down His cheek when He sees the pain and suffering. He is still there. He may not be the head of the prevention or intervention center. You won't find Him there. That isn't His role. He is president of Comfort and Peace Chapel. He will hold you when you are haunted by your darkest fear. He will carry you when you can no longer bear your burdens. And He will wipe your tears when you in the midst of your deepest sorrows. He picks us up when we fall off the highest mountain, even if He told us not to go their in the first place. We may face physical therapy to over come the physical damage, but He holds our hand every step of the way.