It's Not?
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” ~ Dr. Seuss
I would like to believe that it is because "I care" about them that I stalk, rather frequently, other blogs of missionaries. People I follow are all around the world. Asia, Taiwan, Greece, China, Costa Rica, and yes... HONDURAS!!! There is a whole community of missionaries in this country, Honduras, that I secretely look upon. I wonder about what they are doing. If we can network. If they have an invention that I can use at the projects. If I can meet them and not feel judged. If I can get along with them without the suffocation of religion. The list goes on. As a fellow reader, YOU IDENTIFY! I am sure of it. The thing is, I am sure it is not because "I care" that I am an on-looker.
I feel threatened. Nervous. Scared. I am afraid to talk to a "gringo" that I see sometimes. My knees knock, my palms sweat, and I am afraid I will say the wrong thing. I pretty much always do. I answer the phone while I am yelling words that should probably not be whispered here, and then I see it is a fellow missionary, or worse... a Pastor. My stomach just did a mini flip as I thought about the numerous times I have (without thinking first) said something offensive or ignorant. BUT hey! Im human!
Today I realized something, it is a really bad something. The same thing I am afraid they are going to do to me, I do to them. I get invited to a Bible study. I immediately begin to research the people to see their "views" on life. I ask mutual friends to dish the scoop. I want to know if it is okay for me to even introduce my kid, or worse... The Baby Daddy. If I bring them with me, what will be done that will make me turn red and hide behind a book with shame. Or what will I regret for the next six months every time I see them at the super market. It is nerve racking.

Yesterday I went for a ride with a friend. I showed her a local area that is stricken with poverty and has doubled, if not tripled, over the last year. As I drive, passing tarp and mud shacks held together with string, my heart aches. I have to fight tears as I watch a little boy play with an old wheel from a stroller tied to a long stick, and he plays with joy. I secretely am praying and screaming out to God to keep my baby from ever having to endure such a situation. I look further down the road and see a lady sitting on a metal chair frame. No cushion. No pad. Just a frame. "Thank you Father that I am able to sit on a chair." I drive a little further and see a home with three walls, not four. I think about the breeze they must feel each day and how nice that must be. Then I wonder if their baby cries at night when it is cold and raining because their is no protection from the down pours that we have experienced lately. "Thank you Father, I have windows that close. I have doors. I have four walls of protection." Trying to avoid tears I quickly begin talking on some random, insignificant subject. Then it hits me. She cares. My friend cares. She is seeing what I see. She is feeling what I feel. She knows that these people need help too. She cares SO much that she is making a difference. She just sacrificed the last bit of her time to help us complete a vision that God gave us. She just poured her time and money into a project that isn't even hers. "Thank you Father!"
Not everyone I meet will care to make a difference. Not everyone I meet will be as accepting as I am. Not everyone I meet will want to help other people. There are a few. A few can make a difference. I realize more each day, even if I am judged by the "others", it is okay. They are making a difference. They care. They are making things better. We all have our own way of going about it. Those other gringos... I am starting not to care so much how they "see" me. Maybe we can make it better together. It is a whole lot easier, life is a whole lot happier, and things look a whole lot better when we stay focussed on the goal. I believe, we ALL have the same goal.
You can make it better. We can make it better! We Care!
ReplyDeleteIf everyone stays in their own little world.... we can never change the world and make it a better place. We can't change the world for everyone.... but we CAN make a difference for SOME. BUT ONLY IF YOU STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE.... Sacrifice for someone else. Who knows....maybe one of those you help will grow up to be president some day and begin changes for many!!.... or ... a pastor who loves, nurtures, counsels, and encourages many!!
Where is your comfort zone? Have you REALLY ever stepped out of it? What have you done for someone else today?