How many times this year have you wished you had a clone? Like, EVERY DAY! You are not alone.
I have taken a writing hiatus for WAY too long. It just
feels like there is never enough time. Can you relate? There is always
something on my to-do list that seems to get pushed off until tomorrow. Or some
project that I decide I don’t HAVE to have done. I can survive without it for a
The last couple months I spent leaving the house around 6 in
the morning prepared to have Jayden in the car all day. There is always a celebration if I make it back home before 9pm. Jayden has spent more time in
his car seat during his life than he has spent out of it sleeping or otherwise.
I have just decided to think it is a sacrifice we can make for the difference that we
are making in other areas. Deep down, I feel like a bad mom and really just
wish I had a clone.
I need someone that will either help do my mom duty or that
will help be the hands for my heart. Does that make any sense? I feel like I am
at a point where it is one thing or the other, but both of them urgent,
important, and impacting. Family is always first, but which family because they
are all a part of my family.
At Open Doors, we really need some help. I need sponsors for
kids. I need an additional $1,800 a month because right now I have six kids
that are looking to call us family and come home with us. I need staff. I need a full-time teacher to teach on our projects and
tutor some of our children. I need someone to help me with easy jobs like
keeping track of chores. Helping a child learn their alphabet and numbers. I
need someone to help me divide the boxes and sacks full of food each week. I
need someone to help babysit. I need someone to help give kids hugs, love, and counsel. I need
someone to help serve plates of food. I need someone with a heart. Either a heart
to give so we can pay a staff member, or a heart to serve and assist on a daily
How can I tell of a love so great that He would die for you,
yet because of hunger pangs you cannot concentrate in school or sleep at night. Joche has a little sister that was so
sick from being malnourished she was hospitalized for three weeks and almost
died. Time and again this is what I face. Now you see why I have a hard time
choosing. I want to be SuperMom and SAVE the world at the same time. How can I
do both? I have to show the love. Not just tell stories about it. I have to be the love so that they can in a small way catch a glimpse of what it is all about.
If you are not currently support Open Doors will you consider
making a monthly commitment. Will you skip a night out each month and designate
those funds for one of our kids? Can you hold a house party to raise awareness?
Can you talk to your church and ask them to consider sponsoring our ministry or
letting us speak to the congregation? Can you talk to your family and friends
and ask them to consider sponsoring the work we do?
If you are reading this, you know me. You know my heart.
Please, HELP. PLEASE, Help us to continue making a difference.
If you already support Open Doors, THANK
YOU!!! We don’t tell you enough! THANK YOU! You are the reason we are able to
save lives! You are the reason we are able to protect these children from child
slavery and prostitution! You are the reason poverty and abuse is not their
future! Because of YOU we have 51 children on our property full-time. Because
of YOU we are touching over 300 kids at the feeding stations. You are making a difference!
If you want to give, sign up here: Open Doors
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